Friday, August 31, 2012


I am so glad it's Friday.  The past two weeks of life have just been insane with something going on every night after work.  It's exhausting for an introvert.  I really should learn to balance my time better and cut back on everything I'm trying to do, but it's tough to say no.

But there are many great things about today.  Not only is it Friday, but it is also (in no particular order):

1) The 5-month anniversary of marrying my hottie.
2) Opening night for WOLFPACK FOOTBALL season.
3) The day I actually did something about my flat flat feet.
4) The beginning of a week-long vacation!!!!
5) The first night in two weeks I'm staying home with my hottie to do nothing. YAY!!!!

So excited.  Hopefully the boss lets us leave early today.

my poor feeties.

 Let's hope these things help next week when I'm at DISNEY ALL WEEK WITH MY FAMILY!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My new(ish) job

As some of you know, a month ago I ended my internship with Broken Phonebooth/The JESUS Film Project/ Campus Crusade.  I was pretty sad to leave, but really didn't feel God calling me to raise support to come on permanent staff.  Truthfully, I wasn't really sure what He was calling me to next.  It seems like most of my good friends who are around my age (mid 20's, just out of college) are having a really tough time getting a job in this economy, much less finding something in the field they want.

To an extent, this has been true for me as well, although there are usually editing jobs out there if you are willing to freelance, work crazy hours, are skilled in Premiere, After Effects, Final Cut, Photoshop, or some combination thereof.  It was a tough choice deciding whether to freelance edit, try to find a full-time editing job, stay at home and just work on being a wife and keeping house, or get another job somewhere else.

To make a long story short, for the meantime, I found an internship with Future Media Concepts.  Basically, for three months you work for them unpaid and at the end of your three months you can take 5 classes for free.  They offer training and certification in all those programs I mentioned that you need to know in order to get an editing job anywhere.  It seemed like a pretty good deal, and I didn't feel like God was saying no, so I accepted a position.

It's been...well, so-so.  The work is stuff I don't particularly enjoy - marketing, advertising, soliciting people to sign up for classes, tending to every whim of my two bosses, stuff like that (one of the two bosses actually asked an intern to bring them some Skittles and M&Ms yesterday.)

 It's tough going from a totally Christian environment where you can openly talk about the Lord and your relationship with Him to people who scoff, don't understand, and generally dislike religion.  It's been challenging trying to find open doors to talk about Jesus and His love for them when they've been so burned and hurt by Christians in the past.  I feel like I'm doing damage control.  But the few conversations I've been able to have have been somewhat encouraging.  I know God has me here for a reason, and I'm going to do my best to be an example of Him while I'm here, in whatever way He leads.

There have definitely been times I've been tempted to quit, and from what I hear, many interns have done just that.  There is so much drama and tension in this workplace, many find it not worth the trouble since we're not getting paid.  But I really feel like the Lord wants me to stick it out, even though my drive is further, my pay is nothing and I'm away from all the friends I made over the past two years. But hey, it's only until the beginning of November.  At that point, it looks like I'll be coming back to work for JESUS film again...but that's a story for another post.

Are you a 20 something struggling with finding a job in this terrible economy? What's been your experience?